
ay [aɪ]

int. 可以; 好; 要; 是;
n. (会议用语)赞成票; 赞成者;


  • What was I asking about? Ay, yes, I was asking what did you do yesterday.
    刚才我问 什么 ?哦, 有了, (想起来了)我是问你昨天做了些什么.
  • 'Ay , ay, sir,'cried the cook, in the passage.
    “ 是, 先生.”厨子在走廊里大声答道.
  • Ay ! Louder , Vengeance, much louder, and still she will scarcely hear thee.
    是的,声音大一点, 复仇女神.声音很大了, 可她仍然没听见.
  • And ay the ale was growing better.
    来自R. Burns
  • Had he his hurts before?...Ay, on the front.
  • Is he?...ay, by cock and pie is he.
    来自Sir W. Scott