
nonflammable [nɑnˈflæməbəl]

adj. 不燃烧的,不易燃烧的;
[反义词] 不燃烧的: inflammable


  • The balance was carbonaceous fraction , the nonflammable inorganic fraction was negligible.
    其余为不挥发的可燃物碳粒, 不可燃的无机物极少.
  • Nitrogen trifluoride ( NF 3 ) is a toxic, colorless, odorless, nonflammable, oxidizing compressed gas.
    三氟化氮 ( NF3 ) 是有毒 、 无色 、 无嗅 、 不可燃的氧化性压缩气体.
  • Gaseous helium is inert, colorless, odorless, non corrosive, and nonflammable.
    气态氦极不活泼, 无色, 无嗅, 无腐蚀性, 不可燃.
  • The bots, now fitted with a new, nonflammable battery that Mike designed, may find service beyond motion pictures.