

n. 业余爱好,嗜好( avocation的名词复数 ); 职业;


  • Most seem to come from technical avocations, like engineering, computers and sciences.
    绝大多数人原有技术方面的爱好, 比如工程 、 计算机和科学.
  • In terms of avocations, there is hardly anything in common between Jenny and her younger sister.
    就业余爱好而言, 珍妮和她妹妹几乎没什么共同之处.
  • In spite of above, i have many other avocations, for time, i will not talk more.
    我的业余爱好还有很多, 但由于时间关心, 就不多说了.
  • Of course, to some extent we've always consumed media that appealed to our interests and avocations and ignored much of the rest.