
nasi ['nɑ:sɪ]

n. 米饭;


  • Conclusion: This method is simple and effect for traumatic defect of alae nasi.
    结论: 利用此方法修复鼻翼缺损方法简单,效果满意.
  • Of the extrinsic muscles, the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi is the most important dilator.
    鼻外肌群中, 提上唇肌是最重要的扩张肌.
  • If Nasi didn't get back to the office in short order, Madoff would start paging him.
    如果纳希没能迅速回到办公室, 马多夫就会开始给他发传呼.
  • The female guard, however, told The Times that today she had started eating Nasi goreng and spaghetti, brought in by her sister.