
mol [moʊl]

n. 摩尔,克分子;


  • And by applying biogas slurry, photosynthesis rates is 16.622 μ mol · cm - 2· s - 1 , improving 26.029 % by CK.
    当单施沼液时, 光合速率平均值达到16.622μmol.cm -2.s-1, 高出对照26.029%.
  • The molar absorptivity is 2.14×104 L · mol - 1· cm - 1 for calcium . Recovery is up to 99.1 %.
    mol -1.cm-1. 该法的最佳条件给予测定,收到良好的效果,回收率达99.1%.
  • The cis pathway has the lower entrance energy barrier ( 20.9 kJ · mol - 1 ).
    其中顺式反应途径的势垒较低 ( 20.9kJ·mol-1 ).
  • "We had several deals with ELP, " Mr. Van Mol said in an interview Wednesday night.
  • Other anti-corruption investigations Mr Sanader faces include one involving the Hungarian oil firm MOL. He denies wrongdoing.
  • Other anti-corruption investigations he faces include one which involves the Hungarian oil firm MOL. He denies wrongdoing.