
methotrexate [ˌmeθə'trekseɪt]

n. 甲氨蝶呤,氨甲蝶呤,氨甲叶酸(一种抗肿瘤药);


  • The nonsensitive rate on ADM, DDP, 5 - Fu , MMC, DTIC , VCR, methotrexate ( MTX ) in 34 patients were 41.18 %, 17.65 %, 47.06 %, 50.00 % , 76.47 %, 61.76 % and 52.94 % , respectively.
    34例患者对ADM 、 DDP 、 5-Fu 、 MMC 、 DTIC 、 VCR和MTX的 不敏感率分别为41.18% 、 17.65% 、 47.06% 、 50.00%、76.47% 、 61.76%和52.94%.
  • These include some drugs commonly used as cancer chemotherapies such as cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and mitoxantrone.
  • Lumpectomy followed by 6 courses of CMF ( cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil ).
    手术后行6个疗程CMF ( 环磷酰胺, 甲氨喋呤, 氟尿嘧啶 ) 的辅助化疗.
  • Aim : To observe the effect of hyperbaric oxygen ( HBO ) on the permeability of methotrexate ( MTX ) through the blood brain barrier ( BBB ).
    目的: 观察高压氧 ( hyperbaricoxygen,HBO ) 对甲氨喋呤 ( methotrexate,MTX ) 透过血—脑屏障 ( blood- brainbarrier,BBB ) 的影响.
  • In more severe cases, immunosuppressive drugs such as methotrexate are used.
  • If the HCG level remains high, you may need another injection of methotrexate.