
mandi ['mʌndɪ]

n. (印度的)大市场,大菜市,大集市;


  • "Tiap kamar ada kamar mandi dalam," kata pria beranak satu ini bangga.
  • Mandi: Why is your dog Rover whining at you?
    曼迪: 你的狗罗弗为甚麽向著你呜呜叫?
  • Mandi: That's the first hung jury we've had in a long time. What happens next?
    曼迪: 我们很久没有这样相持不下的陪审团了. 跟著怎麽办 呢 ?
  • Mandi : These trials cost the tax - payer, that's you and me, an awful lot of money.
    曼迪: 那样的审讯,花你我这样的纳税人不少钱.