
lifes ['laɪfs]

n. 活体模型;


  • A photographer with a talent for rich textured still lifes.
    来自Country Homes
  • Do you think we'll ever find that kind of love in our lifes?
    你觉得我们这一生会找到那种爱 吗 ?
  • Chocolate - --- Of all lifes simply pleasures. I'm most addicted to you.
    巧克力 ---- 在生命所有纯真的快乐中, 我最沉迷于你.
  • Imangination is everything. It is the preview of lifes coming attractions.
    想象力就是一切, 它是生命将发生之事的预览.
  • They devote their lifes to work or to save money.
  • He was a notoriously slow painter, and loved painting still lifes.