
humulus [hju:m'jʊləs]

释义 蛇麻籽;


  • Objective : To study tissue chara ct eristics of Humulus lupulus, powder characteristics, physical and chemical characteristics.
    目的: 探讨忽布的组织构造 、 粉末特征及常见的理化特性.
  • Extraction of polyphenols from Humulus lupulus L was optimized from extracting solvents and other extracting conditions.
  • Their host plants were chiefly Cerastium oruense , Veronica didyma, Aster americana, Humulus candens and so on.
    春季, 叶螨多集中在菜地田埂及公路边等环境稳定的场所活动,寄主主要有卷耳,婆婆纳, 美洲紫菀和?草等.