
infective [ɪnˈfɛktɪv]

adj. 会传染的; 有传染性的; 影响别人的; 感染别人的;


  • These organisms penetrate into snails, multiply, and develop into cercariae , the infective form for man.
    这些毛蚴进体螺体, 繁殖和发育对人类有传染性的尾蚴.
  • The tears also contain a potent microbe - killer called lysozyme, which guards me from infective bacteria.
    眼泪里还包含一种叫做溶菌酶的高效力杀菌者, 保护我不受细菌感染.
  • Some kind of anti - infective medical device has been trial - produced with this material.
    并进行了 抗 感染医疗器械的试制.
  • These in turn contain thread-like ascospores, which usually break into fragments and are presumably infective.