
teasel [ˈtizəl]

n. 起绒草;
vt. 使起绒;
adj. 川续断科(植物)的;
复数:: teasels 过去式:: teaseled 过去分词:: teaseled 现在分词:: teaseling 第三人称单数:: teasels


  • Soapwort used to be used to wash woollens, and teasel was used to tease up the nap of woollen clothes in medieval times.
  • European teasel with white to pink flowers; naturalized in United States.
    欧洲川续断,花白色粉色; 已经引入美国.
  • Treat deficiency of kidney - yang with herbs that can warm kidney - yang, such as mugwort leaf, Teasel etc.
    阳虚肾虚者宜温补肾阳如艾叶 、 续断、鹿角霜等.
  • They can be easily seen in flight in meadows, sipping nectar from teasel, knapweed and buddleia.