
hemangiosarcoma [hi:mændʒɪoʊsɑ:'koʊmə]

n. 血管肉瘤;


  • AIM : To investigate the clinical application protonspectroscopy ( 1 HMRS ) in cavernous hemangioma, venous angioma and hemangiosarcoma.
    目的: 探讨 1HMRS 在海绵状血管瘤 、 静脉性血管瘤和血管肉瘤中的应用价值.
  • HEMANGIOSARCOMA - Malignant tumor that arises from the blood vessels of the liver.
    血管肉瘤 —— 发生于肝脏血管的恶性肿瘤.
  • Splenic hemangiosarcoma ( 4 cases ) appeared as an irregular mass with alterable echo texture satellite nodules.
    4例脾血管 肉瘤 表现为脾内肿物,边界不规则,回声不一.