object-oriented programming 面向对象的程序设计;
out of pocket (expenses) 买不起(贵的);
out of print (书籍等)绝版;
However, this short discussion is no substitute for a more in - depth understanding of OOP.
当然这些简短的对于OOP基础的讨论不能替代对于OOP的 更加深入的了解.
Later in this chapter, we introduce good practices in OOP on which design patterns are based.
在随后的章节中, 我们将介绍基于设计模型的好的OOP习惯.
Is it a whole different paradigm from OOP, or just OOP's supplemental facility?
它到底是OOP的 一个补充呢, 还是完全不同于OOP的另外一个程序设计范型 呢 ?