
fuddle ['fʌdəl]

v. 灌醉; 使迷糊; 使烂醉; 狂饮;
n. 烂醉;
过去式:: fuddled 过去分词:: fuddled 现在分词:: fuddling 第三人称单数:: fuddles


  • He rushed aboutsVain was his frenzied fuddle.
    来自T. E. Webb
  • If a person lacks a beacon light - ideal, his life will be fuddle.
    如果一个人缺少一颗指路明灯 —— 理想, 就会醉生梦死.
  • I felt rather fuddle - headed when I got up this morning.
  • If a person lacks a beacon light ― ideal, his life will be fuddle.
    如果一个人缺少一颗指路明灯――理想, 就会醉生梦死.
  • I went to luncheon...and drank enough wine to fuddle me slightly.
    来自E. Waugh