
quadruple [kwɑ:ˈdru:pl]

adj. 四重的; 四倍的; 由四部份组成的;
n. 四倍;
vt.& vi. 使乘四或被四乘;
过去式:: quadrupled 过去分词:: quadrupled 现在分词:: quadrupling 第三人称单数:: quadruples


  • Our TV set...was receiving triple and quadruple shadow images.
    来自G. Keillor
  • They could sell their merchandise for quadruple the asking price.
  • There was a proposal in the United States to quadruple its annual intake of immigrants.
  • We have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century, which is a lofty aim.
    我们有雄心壮志,到本世纪末, 使工农业生产总值翻两番.
  • So how did the sales figure nearly quadruple?
  • She had carefully measured out a quadruple whisky.
    来自G. Greene