
fifths ['fɪfθs]

adj. 第五;
n. 五分之一( fifth的名词复数 );


  • Four-fifths of Laotians are farmers.
  • The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculptor, is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four - fifths that of a grain of rice.
    中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻.这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的 五分之四 大.
  • He tried to remember, span the crowded events of three - fifths of a lifetime.
    他想回忆一下, 想越过一生中 五分之三 的光阴和繁杂的事件去回忆.
  • The Sahara desert covers more than four-fifths of the land.
  • They will have nucleus crew of two-fifths of their war complement.
    来自Westminster Gazette
  • One fifth of them are men; four fifths are women.