
faineant ['feɪnɪrnt]

n. 无所事事者,懒惰者;
adj. 无所事事的,懒惰的;


  • Finally. My kin and neighbour people still admitted me . They are faineant.
    最后. 我的亲戚和邻居们还是承认了我.
  • The whats after junior high school graduates were an examination of on, socially faineant two years.
    初中毕业后什么都没考上, 在社会上无所事事了两年.
  • Make not quite from first look, excited unceasingly, gradually excessive to now faineant , loaf about everywhere.
    从最初的眼不够使, 激动不已, 逐渐过度到现在的无所事事, 四处游荡.