
erythematosus [erɪθi:mə'toʊsʌs]

释义 [医]全身性红斑狼疮;


  • A comparative study of systemic lupus erythematosus in 42 children ( CSLE ) and 80 adults ( ASLE ) was carried out.
    对42例未成年 SLE 患者和80例成年患者的临床特点进行了对照研究.
  • Objective : To investigate the feature of antinuclear antibodies ( ANA ) negative systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ).
    目的: 探讨抗核抗体 ( ANA ) 阴性的系统性红斑狼疮 ( SLE ) 的特点.
  • Autoimmune: such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and other.
    自身免疫性: 如红斑狼疮 、 类风湿关节炎 、 硬皮病等.
  • The work will focus on women who have auto-immune diseases such as lupus erythematosus and multiple miscarriages.
  • It can be mistaken for other skin diseases such as acne vulgaris, lupus erythematosus and seborrheic dermatitis, among others.