
dinger ['dɪnɡər]

n. 本垒打; 调车场场长;


  • In the thesis we investigate the dynamic behavior of the cubic nonlinear Schr? dinger equation.
    本文采用辛算法来研究立方非线性Schr? dinger方程 的动力学性质.
  • The Jones transfer matrix can be derived from the coupled nonlinear Schr ? dinger equation.
    由耦合非线性薛定 谔 方程可以得出与光纤参数有关的琼斯矩阵.
  • Nonlinear Schrodinger equation is a problem, use split - step Fourier method for solving nonlinear Schr ? dinger equation.
    非线性薛定谔方程的求解是个难题, 利用 分步 傅里叶方法求解非线性薛定 谔 方程.
  • Been a dinger of a crop.
    来自J. Steinbeck
  • In the Bishops' view, the Dinger Ford incident has been overblown.
  • Tracks from Dinger and Rother themselves top it off with everyone bringing their own vibe to the party.