
dihydroxy [di:haɪd'rɒksɪ]

释义 二羟;


  • Lutein is dihydroxy - carotenoids with the ionone ring systems distributed widely in nature.
    叶黄素是含紫罗酮环的二 羟基 类胡萝卜素,在自然界广泛存在.
  • DHDMEU ( 4, 5 - dihydroxy - 1 , 3 - dimethyl ethylene urea )
    4, 5- 二羟基 -1, 3- 二甲基乙烯脲 ( 无甲醛交联整理剂 )
  • Significant increases in both 25 - hydroxy and 1, 25 - dihydroxy - vitamin D levels were seen after hemodialysis mode conversion.
    羟基 维生素D和 1, 25二羟维生素D3水平在血液透析模式转换后都显著上升.