
equipoise [ˈikwəˌpɔɪz, ˈɛkwə-]

n. 平衡,均衡;
vt. (保持)平衡,使均衡; 使相称; 与…抗衡;
过去式:: equipoised 过去分词:: equipoised 现在分词:: equipoising 第三人称单数:: equipoises


  • The application of RCT shall obey to a certain ethical principle, that is, clinical equipoise.
    RCT的运用应该遵循一定的伦理准则, 即临床均势原则.
  • The swift transitions by which the mind in times of stress seeks to keep its equipoise.
    来自A. G. Gardiner
  • We had scored one goal and our opponents two, and there the struggle hung in equipoise for some time.
    来自W. S. Churchill