
cybernetics [ˌsaɪbərˈnetɪks]

n. 控制论;


  • Always an interdisciplinary subject, cybernetics was seen by its founding fathers moreover as transdisciplinary.
    控制论始终是一个涉及多种学科的课题, 它的创始人都认为它是跨学科的.
  • To achieve this, researchers have drawn upon cybernetics.
    为了这一目的, 研究人员引用了控制论.
  • This paper considers system theory , information theory and cybernetics as pole stars.
    本文以系统论 、 信息论、控制论作为整个研究工作的指导思想.
  • His father, Vladimir, is an associate professor of mathematics at the same university, and dabbles in cybernetics.
  • Greg Borenstein explored some of these issues in his post on big data and cybernetics earlier this month.