

abbr. cartilage-hair hypoplasia 软骨-头发发育不良;


  • Molt - inhibiting hormone ( MIH ) is a member of CHH ( crustacean hyperglycemic hormone ) family.
    蜕皮抑制激素 ( molt -inhibitinghormone, MIH ) 属甲壳动物高血糖激素 ( crustaceanhyperglycemichormone,CHH ) 家族.
  • It is a neuropeptide member belonging to the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone ( CHH ) neuropeptide family.
    除MIH外,CHH家族 神经肽还包括高血糖激素、性腺抑制激素 ( Gonad-inhibiting hormone, GIH ) 和大颚器官抑制激素(Mandibularorgan -inhibitinghormone,MOIH).
  • HUANGHUA tower, CHH 128 , 450 meters Climbing, request higher level.
    黄花塔台, CHH128, 高度450米上升, 请求继续上升高度.