

n. (蒙古游牧民族居住的,用毛毡或兽皮搭起的)圆顶帐篷;


  • Objective To study the relationship between recurrent respiratory infection ( RRI ) and gastroesophageal reflux ( GER ) in children.
    目的 探讨小儿反复呼吸道感染 ( RRI ) 与胃食管返流 ( GER ) 的关系.
  • OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of Hath 1 on epithelial ridge ( GER ) cells from postnatal rat cochlear.
    目的探讨Hath1基因对大鼠耳蜗大上皮嵴 ( greaterepithelialridge,GER ) 细胞的诱导分化作用.
  • Objective To investigate the expressions of ICC, nNOS, and α - SMA in GER experimental animal model.
    目的研究Cajal间 质细胞、nNOS 、 α-SMA在胃食管反流(GER)动物模型的表达, 探讨GER发生的机制及病理改变.
  • Because of the long influence of English in the region, it's generally pronounced 'CRY-ger' even by some Welsh speakers.
  • GER becomes more-serious GERD if the infant won't eat and stops gaining weight, vomits blood and is extremely irritable.
  • Occasionally, I could see a ger tucked into the crease of a valley, but mostly the land was empty.