

abbr. cash in drawer 现金支付; chick infective dose 较少注射剂量; charge-injection device 充电式注射设备; cubic-inch displacement 立方英寸位移量;


  • Having been picked up by the CID...he had bunged the DI and pulled himself clear.
    来自G. F. Newman
  • On many NIBCO valves, the CID and NSN numbers have been assigned.
    在许多美国尼伯科阀门上, 已经分配有CID和NSN编号.
  • Results: The incidence of CID was 6.33 %.
    结果: CID发生率为6.33%.
  • A consistent negative relationship between the CID values of leaves and WUE _ A ( and WUE _ T ) was observed.
    叶部的CID值与WUE地上部 ( 和WUE全株 ) 之间呈一致的负相关关系.
  • Faahfaahintaada looma gudbin doono cid ka baxsan BBC, adigoo aan ogolaan.
  • His arrest follows a lengthy investigation by the force's anti-corruption unit, CID officers and the Metropolitan Police Service.