
entrap [ɛnˈtræp]

vt. 使陷入圈套,使入陷阱;
过去式:: entrapped 过去分词:: entrapped 现在分词:: entrapping 第三人称单数:: entraps
[同义词] 使陷罗网: ensnare snare net trap mesh
[同义词] 俘获: catch napping reveal out trip
[同义词] 用计引诱: draw allure up beguile bait on tempt lead set inveigle lure entice


  • The police have been given extra powers to entrap drug traffickers.
  • It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard.
    设圈套陷害他的对手固然是个妙计, 可是到头来却是作法自毙.
  • She was quite prepared to entrap the bishop himself.
  • Time has come for this flawed human to entrap him.
  • The filter...would selectively entrap any magnetic particles.
    来自Scientific American
  • "These eddies tend to have some integrity, they entrap material in them and carry it out into the deep ocean," he says.