
bis [bɪs]

adv. 二度,二回;


  • The Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ), the Basel - based bank for central banks, has similar anxieties.
    位于巴塞尔为各央行服务的国际清算银行 ( BIS ) 也有类似的焦虑.
  • Objective: Discusses the BIS'guiding sense as the anaesthesia depth target general anesthesia induction.
    目的: 探讨BIS作为 麻醉深度的指标对于麻醉诱导气管插管是否有指导意义.
  • In this Recommendation, the distinction is made between BIS procedures with and without in - service monitoring.
    本建议中对有和没有开业务测量的 BIS 程序之间进行了区别.
  • In response to the financial crisis, the BIS has agreed a much stricter set of rules.
  • They're also in a brand new hall, so what about the acoustics, and have the BIS engineers managed to make it work?
  • Government policy on internet governance is now handled by the culture department rather than BIS.