
subjectiveness [səbd'ʒektɪvnəs]

释义 主观(性);


  • With your condemnation implied to Michael Moore then your lack of intelligent analysis relegates your subjectiveness.
  • It is also of subjectiveness, entirety and relative stability.
    它有主观性 、 整体性和相对稳定性.
  • To oppose the subjectivist, one - sided approach to problems, we must demolish dogmatist subjectiveness and one - sidedness .
    我们反对主观地 片面 地看问题, 必须攻破教条主义的主观性和 片面性.
  • This incident is surpasses the Sanlu milk scandal in its seriousness, viciousness and intentionally subjectiveness.
    这起事件的严重性 、 恶劣性和主观故意性恐怕要大大超过“三鹿奶粉”.
  • I find that a reductionist has a difficult time appreciating the subjectiveness and bias of his or her approach.