
belloc [ˈbɛlˌɑk, -ək]

释义 贝洛克 (Hilaire,1870-1953,出生于法国的英国评论家,诗人);


  • Belloc's thundering affirmations gave...Ward something to march to.
    来自W. Sheed
  • Abolitionists, such as Belloc professed himself to be.
    来自A. N. Wilson
  • One never can see the thing in itself, because the mind does not transcend phenomena ( Hilaire Belloc )
    一个人永远不可能认识事物自身的本质, 因为思想无法超越现象 ( 西莱尔贝洛克 )
  • Hilaire Belloc was born during a thunderstorm.
    来自A. N. Wilson