
beowulf [ˈbeəˌwʊlf]

释义 裴欧沃夫(被认为创作于公元8世纪早期的,英国无名氏所作的一部古老史诗中的传奇英雄。贝奥伍尔弗杀死妖怪格伦德尔及妖怪的母亲,成为耶牙特的国王,死于与一条龙的争斗中);


  • The poem of Beowulf...has been much interpolated by Christian transcribers.
    来自T. Wright
  • Just don't take any course where they make you read Beowulf.
  • But much later, Beowulf is killed by a treasure - hoarding dragon.
    但许久之后, 贝奥武夫却被一条屯聚财宝的恶龙攻击而丧命.
  • My name is strength ! And lust ! And power! I AM BEOWULF!
    我的名字就等于力量、欲望和权力, 我--是--贝奥武夫!
  • Full of exciting episodes as it is...Beowulf moves nevertheless with sad deliberate dignity.
    来自G. S. Fraser
  • Perhaps, like Beowulf, he could be the hero battling the enemy outside.