
asf ['ɑ:zf]

abbr. and so forth …等; additional selection factor 附加选择因素; am phibious strike forces 水陆两路攻击; amperes per square foot 安培每平方英尺;


  • Sex, BMI, ASF were important factors contributing to the serum leptin.
    性别, BMI, ASF( 腹部皮下脂肪)是影响血清Leptin的重要因素.
  • ASF files can contain audio, video, slide shows, and synchronized events.
    ASF文件可以包含音频 、 视频 、 幻灯片和同步事件.
  • When the posterior column is severelyinjured, ASF fails to stabilize the spine in nexion.
    当脊柱后柱完全横断时, ASF──脊柱系统前屈失稳.
  • Sweeney, real name Ian Davison, set up the ASF website and is now in prison.
  • ASF, WWF and their allies, including Greenpeace International, say other steps are necessary as well.
  • But the ASF Executive Director, Monira Rahman, says that years of campaigning against acid attacks are slowly paying off.