

abbr. adult correctional institution 成人教养学会; airborne-controlled interception 空控侦听; anticlonus index 抗痉挛指数; automatic card identification 自动卡片识别系统;


  • Methods 110 ACI patients and 45 controls were investigated.
    方法ACI患者 110例,对照组45例.
  • Atherosclerosis ( AS ) is a leading cause of cerebral infarction, especially the arterothrombtic cerebral infarction ( ACI ).
    动脉粥样硬化 ( Atherosclerosis, AS ) 是脑梗死尤其是动脉血栓性脑梗死 ( arterothrombticcerebralinfarction, ACI ) 的最主要病因.
  • Objective To outline the clinical results of ShuXueNing and FuFangDanShen injection in treating acute cerebral infarction ( ACI ).
    目的对比观察舒血宁与复方丹参治疗急性脑梗塞 ( ACI ) 的临床效果.