
abscond [əbˈskɑ:nd]

vt. (尤指逃避逮捕)潜逃,逃跑;
n. 潜逃者; 逃跑者;
过去式:: absconded 过去分词:: absconded 现在分词:: absconding 第三人称单数:: absconds


  • Afterwards, they sell the ship and the goods and abscond.
    然后, 他们卖掉船和货物,各自潜逃.
  • Kenobi managed to kill Grievous , and abscond with his starfighter.
    克诺比试图击毙了格里沃斯, 并拿他的战斗机逃跑了.
  • The driver listened, at once pop - up car goes, drive abscond.
    司机听了, 连忙跳上车去, 驾车潜逃.