

abbr. airborne assault vehicle 空降突击车; adeno-associated virus 腺伴随病毒; amphibious assault vehicle 两栖攻击车; armored anti-aircraft vehicle 防空装甲车;


  • After 3 weeks, AAV - hTGF - � � _ 1 was injected into groups D injury intervertebral discs.
    3周后, D组椎间盘显微注射AAV-hTGF-1β.
  • Low level of anti - HSV and anti - AAV antibodies was detected in mouse serum.
    小鼠血清中可以检测到少量 抗 HSV抗体和 抗 AAV抗体.
  • Whereafter the AAV - hVEGF _ ( 165 ) was packaged by Benyuan Zhengyang Corporation.
    由本元正阳公司对鉴定正确的pSNAV-hVEGF_ ( 165)进行AAV-hVEGF_(165 ) 的包装.