
pharyngeal [fəˈrɪndʒiəl, -dʒəl, ˌfærɪnˈdʒiəl]

adj. 咽的; 咽音; 咽部;


  • Objective : To find an effective method for treating pharyngeal fistula.
    目的: 探讨治疗咽瘘的有效方法.
  • Additional complications include bradycardia, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and apnea owing to pharyngeal stimulation.
    其它并发症包括因为咽部刺激导致的心动过缓 、 喉痉挛 、 支气管痉挛和呼吸暂停.
  • Acute pharyngeal tumefaction, correspond acute pharyngitis of Western medicine.
    急喉痹, 相当于西医学中的急性咽炎.
  • Perhaps it is because the 'pharyngeal consonant' does not trip off the tongue so easily?