Confessions of a Chinese Youth

20-04-27 few decades, the CCP has succeeded in making territorial integrity an inviolable red line for every...

Hoover Institution: China owns or controls majority of Chinese-language media outlets in the US

20-01-07 report is to promote transparency, integrity and reciprocity in the interaction between China and the...

Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 lead to try and get some truth and integrity to the investigation to what happened on 9/11.”Speaking at...

Chinese Official: China Headed Back to Planned Economy

19-09-05 not necessarily be followed. Since when do Chinese people have integrity? You still think that the...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 3)

18-12-24 Stories of Tolerance (Part 3) Guo Ziyi Acted Generously and with Integrity In the Tang Dynasty, Guo...

Florida AG Bondi Orders Investigation of Election Irregularities

18-11-15 will guarantee integrity in our elections process,” she said in a Nov. 11 letter to Rick Swearingen...

A Management Model Based on Morality (Part 1)

18-10-11 honesty, humility, trust, gratitude, sincerity, tolerance, patience, integrity, justice, respect, being...

Two Honest Officials with Good Upbringing

18-09-23 highest possible government position. People noted that Kuang Ye’s honesty and integrity was the result of...

Zhuge Liang's Two Family Letters

18-09-06 Son" The conduct of those who have integrity and are capable depends upon their inner peace of mind...

美军靴制造商密谋进口中国制造 后果严重

18-08-24 Equity,Inc.和Integrity Brands,Inc.收购。Wellco成为Golden Gate投资组合公司Tactical Holdings的全资子公司。 2006年3月,Vincent Lee...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 3)

18-08-05 with integrity. Wei shows so much integrity because you are an able emperor. Therefore, I congratulate...

Ancient Sages Transforms Others by Acting Righteously

18-04-19 began to emphasize reputation for integrity instead of discussing profit and self-gain. Everyone had an...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 other people and planting the seeds of integrity and kindness. Using Wisdom to Avoid a Fight Confucius...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 personal integrity, as well as his propriety, kindness, humbleness and courtesy, his loyalty and his care...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 – 1020 AD), a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty (960 – 1127 AD), was a gentleman known for his integrity...

Integrity and Trust: A Virtue and a Responsibility

17-09-22  Ancient Chinese people emphasized moral cultivation, and they considered moral integrity and trust...

Chicago Had More Votes Than Voters in 2016 Elections

17-09-15 illegal immigrants voted in the election.The two organizations, the nonprofit Election Integrity Project...

Two Stories of Virtue from Chinese History

17-06-24 probity while on their posts.The emperor told Zhen, “You are well known for your integrity and honesty...

TV Personality: Chinese Children Are Taught to Lie

17-06-18 result in bad luck, while by telling lies one can at least survive.In Japan, education in integrity runs...

Assist the Poor and Serve Those in Need with Kindness

17-04-18 government accepted bribes any longer. He also recommended many people with integrity to the central...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 ancient time, ethical, virtuous officials and those with good personal integrity have constituted the...

Be Noble and Incorruptible: Do Not Pocket Lost Gold

17-03-19 integrity, that he was able to endure poverty and hardship without accepting immoral wealth. This is...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 and moral integrity, one must be frugal. If one's heart is not free of desires, one is unable to...

Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 No worldly hardships or barriers, wealth nor lust would cause a person of moral integrity to change...

肖建华涉资本外流金额巨大 将引发政坛大震荡

17-02-08 ,金融业占中国整体对外投资的份额要少于15%,这样估算,中国非法流失资金数额惊人。如果据非盈利机构Global Financial Integrity(GFI)2015年一份报告所言,中国2003年...


16-08-10 随着纽约市房价的上涨,一个非盈利的新闻机构,公共廉正中心(Center for Public Integrity),发现纽约市的少数族裔与移民社区成为房屋诈骗集团的重点对象。自2008年的经济危机...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity Ji An (? - 112 BC), courtesy name Chang Ru, lived in...


16-05-22 出现过,当时也是富有的买主,包括部分外国买主以现金买房,如今已经造成了美国买家和海外买家抢房的局面。全球金融诚信(Global Financial Integrity)2012年12月的数据显示,中国在2010年...

Not Practicing Favoritism

16-05-08 always be fair and impartial. Su Zhang's moral integrity and his not practicing favoritism were...


16-04-27 扯到“大腿”还请三思,说直白一点,Academic Integrity很重要。6. 其他注意每日课程的安排,最好能留出吃饭的时间,计划好各个教室之间的距离,免得赶不及(尤其是对于校园大的学校...

被禁赴哈佛领奖 杨继绳发感言

16-03-20 斯新闻良知与正义奖”(Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism)。然而,他被阻止在3月10日赴美国领奖。日前...


15-12-19 ,中国非法资金流出规模估计达到近1.4万亿美元(约9万亿人民币),居发展中国家首位。总部设在华盛顿的跨境资金转移研究机构GlobalFinancial Integrity(GFI)12月9日发布了上述估计...

华服耀星光 典雅大气

15-12-10 、舞蹈演员Frankie Grande、演员Omar Sharif Jr.等和其他众多马兰·布雷顿的粉丝一起来参加。Integrity系统的商业主管Alina Suprunova是马兰·布雷顿的粉丝...

【英文对照赏析】深明大义 严谨治家 Strict Teachings on Integrity

15-07-31 integrity, and all of her three sons were very successful.Once, an old wall behind her house collapsed after...


15-07-24 泡沫破裂之前也曾出现过,当时也是富有的买主,包括部分外国买主以现金买房。全球金融诚信(Global Financial Integrity)2012年12月的数据显示,中国在2010年之前10年转移出境...

【英文对照赏析】善良怜悯 正气清廉  Zhong Liyi, a Man of Compassion, Honesty and Righteousness  

15-07-24 outstanding conduct and unsurpassed integrity, he was soon recommended for the position of Xiaolian, another...

外国买家推高美房价 10年后35%美宅将为外国人拥有

15-06-18 数十亿美元。  全球金融诚信(Global Financial Integrity)2012年12月的数据显示,中国在2010年之前10年转移出境资金高达2.7万亿美元,其中2010年占4200亿美元...


15-03-19 Financial Integrity group)调查也发现,2002年至2011年期间,约有1兆800亿美元的非法资金从中国流向境外。路透援引一位不具名的美国官员透露,中共曾向美国递交了一份涉嫌经济犯罪藏匿美国的...

歷史故事:唐太宗和魏徵  Stories about Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and His Prime Minister, Wei Zheng

14-10-28 Empress's words, Emperor Taizong calmed down gradually. He began to recall Wei Zhong's integrity and...