
zealots ['zeləts]

n. 热心者,狂热者( zealot的名词复数 );


  • Zealots were encouraged to scrutinize, shrive and denounce each other.
    来自C. Thubron
  • He was more zealous than the zealots.
  • He had, I think, a certain skepticism about the birth control zealots in the United States.
    我认为, 他对于美国的节育狂热派是抱有怀疑的.
  • Slowing one of the ten Zealots attacking you does very little.
    减速1个Zealot对于 10个Zealot的进攻而言几乎没有效果.
  • OMFG, what is it with the anti-Apple zealots here?
  • To all the actions of these zealots the King had so far assented.
    来自W. S. Churchill