

abbr. youth hostel 青年招待所,青年寄宿所;


  • The results showed that behavior of YH - 05 similar to Dow - 675 and SD - 656.
    结果表明,燕化公司研究院研制生产的YH -05 羧基丁苯胶乳各项性能指标与Dow-675、SD -656 相当.
  • Physical and chemical behavior of YH - 05 , Dow - 675, SD - 656 carboxylated styrene - butadiene latex in paper coating are discussed.
    讨论了羧基丁苯胶乳物化性能对铜版纸涂布性能的影响,对比了YH -05 、 Dow-675 、 SD -656 三种羧基丁苯胶乳的成纸性能.
  • Now, there are two Methods : To determine YH which is activated sludge method and method.
    目前, 测定YH的主要方法有序批式活性污泥法和序批式呼吸计量法.