

abbr. yellow fever 黄热病;


  • We knowe that the lawe is god, yf a man vse it lawfully.
    来自Bible (Tyndale): 1 Tim.
  • The development of the YF - 16 maximized a design for performance.
    YF -16 的研发采用的是一个性能最大化的设计方案.
  • And tells the principle, capability, application and technical feature of TDW · YF — clasp - stop.
    并介绍了TDW·YF—型液压 防 溜器的原理 、 性能 、 应用及技术特点.
  • Externally, EMD F - 22 appears similar to YF - 22 prototype .
    从现在公布的EMDF -22 与YF -22 相比,外形和性能都有不少改变.