
yanhusuo [jænh'ju:zʊr]

释义 [化] 延胡索;


  • Market of yanhusuo near future ambulates relatively free, the price is strong.
    延胡索近期市场走动较畅, 价格坚挺.
  • Fifteen alkaloids were isolated from the tuber of Corydalis turtschaninovii Bess. f. yanhusuo Y.
    从浙江省东阳元胡(CorydalisturtschaninoviiBess.f. yanhusuoY. H. Chouet C. C. Hsü)的块茎中分离了15个生物碱.
  • Objective : To evaluate the treatment of protracted opioid abstinence syndrome by corydalis yanhusuo capsule.
    目的: 中药复方元胡治疗阿片类依赖稽延性戒断综合征.