
yams ['jæmz]

n. 薯蓣( yam的名词复数 ); 山药; 甘薯; 白薯;


  • Stuffing Candied yams. Baked ham. And lots of cakes and cookies.
    配料,蜜番薯, 烤火腿, 还有各种蛋糕和饼干.
  • " Miss Scarlett , Ah done fergit de yams.
    " 俺才没有忘记那山芋呢.
  • These include cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, taro and coconut.
    这些作物包括木薯, 红薯, 山药, 芋头和椰子.
  • They had fried eggs...and fried ham...to vary the monotony of the yams.
    来自M. Mitchell
  • Hungry after his workout, Keeling heads home for a paleo-stir-fry with shrimp, broccoli, mushrooms and yams.
  • Farmers raising yams and other food crops got government help, too, leading to big productivity and income gains.