
wrathful [rɒθfl]

adj. 愤怒的,激怒的;


  • She was exceedingly wrathful and struck at Hurstwood, who dodged.
    她愤怒至极,对着赫斯渥就是一棍子, 赫斯渥躲开了.
  • The wrathful crowd surged forward. The rascal backed away in fear.
    愤怒的人群涌向前去, 那个无赖吓得后退了.
  • Meanwhile the choleric Captain strode wrathful away to the council.
  • He discarded the concept of a wrathful and avenging God.
    来自P. Ackroyd
  • This is an Old Testament figure, wrathful and demanding.
  • The wrathful skies Gallow the very wanderers of the dark And make them keep their caves.
    来自King Lear,Shakespeare