
wolfish [ˈwʊlfɪʃ]

adj. 似狼的; 爱情不专;


  • Valentino channelled the wolfish glamour of old Riviera playboys like Gunther Sachs.
  • He patted his weapon and gave a wolfish grin.
  • It is not an elegant comparison, but there is something wolfish in society.
    我这个比喻不文雅, 但是社交界有种品性很像狼.
  • I looked at her , dumb and wolfish. She at once enraged and shamed me.
    我哑口无言,凶狠狠地望着她, 她叫我气愤,又使我羞惭.
  • For thy desires wolfish, bloody, stare'd , and ravenous.
    贪婪.因为你的欲望和性情正如狼一样, 贪婪, 嗜血, 残暴.
  • The sense of being trapped and victimized by someone who was wolfish and unpredictable.
    来自P. Theroux