
withe [wɪθ]

n. 藤条,细枝;
vt. 用细枝条捆;
复数:: withes 过去式:: withed 过去分词:: withed 现在分词:: withing 第三人称单数:: withes


  • A trailing withe of orange begonia.
    来自R. C. Praed
  • In comparison withe volumetric method and spectrophotometry, the better results are obtained.
    且与容量法及分光光度法做了比较, 得到了较理想的测定结果.
  • Be carefully withe bath. Do not go to your cold room wet.
    小心洗浴, 不要将你冰冷的房间弄湿了.
  • Withe is used to make baskets.