
whizzing ['wɪzɪŋ]

v. 发出飕飕声( whiz的现在分词 ); 高速移动; 飕飕作声( whizz的现在分词 ); 飕飕掠过,急驰; 使飕飕作声;


  • Year by year and minute by minute, everybody and everything was whizzing rapidly upwards.
    一年又一月,一分又一秒, 任是什么人,任是什么物,全都撒了欢儿地大跃进.
  • Tom liked to watch the fast trains whizzing through the station.
  • He sends the last rock whizzing right at Racquel. No smash.
    他把最后一粒石子奋力扔向墙上的兰寇(海报), 这次石子没有碎.
  • I can't go whizzing off to conferences.
    来自I. Banks
  • Rockets were whizzing up into the leaden sky.
    来自F. King