
whist [hwɪst, wɪst]

int. 嘘!肃静!;
adj. 无声的,安静的;
adv. 无声地,安静地;
n. 惠斯特(扑克牌游戏的一种);


  • And when I'm gone -- Whist, darlin ', listen to me!
    等到我过世的时候 ---- 别响呀, 亲爱的, 听我说嘛!
  • Bridge, poker and whist are card - games.
    桥牌 、 扑克和惠斯特都是纸牌游戏.
  • Are you in for this game of whist?
    这场惠斯特桥牌你参加 吗 ?
  • During this period you are kept alive artificially whist the heart is worked on.
  • It recognised the dinner-dances, fun-runs and whist drives which paid for their boat.
  • In the lobby of the officers' club the wives were having a whist drive.
    来自G. Markstein