
wat [wɑ:t]

n. 泰国或高棉的佛教寺或僧院;


  • The great communistic uprising under Wat Tyler in 1381.
    来自M. Pattison
  • Wat Tyler was probably a yeoman craftsman, as his name implies.
  • Wat the dickens is it?
    究竟是 什么 ?
  • Ankor Wat is part of a vast network of around a hundred ancient temples hidden deep in the Cambodian jungle.
  • WAT ( Wafer Acceptance Test ) is a very important stage of process.
    WAT ( waferacceptancetest ) 是芯片制造过程中重要的测量站点.
  • Poor Wat, far off upon a hill, Stands on his hinder legs with list'ning ear.
    来自Venus Adonis,Shakespeare