
verity [ˈvɛrɪti]

n. 真实; 事实; 真理; 真实的陈述;
复数:: verities


  • Verity TuLST code method through the artificial result finally.
  • Therefore, test and verity investigate data's truth is this follow - up investigate's key.
    因此, 验证调查数据是否真实可靠是这次追踪调查工作的关键.
  • Cubes , squares or dice - Constancy, wisdom, verity probity, and equity.
    立方体 、 方形、骰子 - 坚毅 、 学问 、 耿直和公正.
  • A volume denying the verity of my experiments.
    来自B. Franklin
  • Gary Verity, chairman of tourism body Welcome to Yorkshire, was among people supporting the campaign on Twitter.
  • Verity Nye is one of the researchers studying the blind shrimp, brought up in the ROV's containers, filled at the seabed.