
ute [jut]

n. 小卡车,轻型货车,轻便小货车;
复数:: utes


  • Wareba ute amashusho ukanumva amajwi kuri internet?
  • At the Annual Northern Ute Powwow, dancers around an American flag carried by the honor guard.
    一年一度的北犹他州巫师仪式上, 舞者们围着一面由荣誉守卫所持的美国国旗起舞.
  • Eventually, he became friends with several members of the Ute Tribe in the Roosevelt , Utah, area.
    最终, 在犹他地区的卢瑟福他成为有犹特人部落几名成员的朋友.
  • OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the cost - effectiveness of 5 kinds of drug treatment regimes in the treatment of ac _ ute pancreatitis.
    目的: 评价急性胰腺炎5种药物治疗方案的成本-效果.
  • Wareba amashusho ute kandi ukanumva amajwi ute ku murongo wa interinete?
  • Ute-Henriette Ohoven, who is UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for the Education of Children in Need.