There are, however, massive brick pillars in Sumerian buildings at Ur and at Kish.
不过, 在乌尔和渴石的苏美尔人的建筑物中,有用砖砌成的粗大的柱子.
Except for  ̄3 H - Pro , no significant differences in the incorporation of  ̄3 H - TdR and  ̄14 C - UR in Fbsbetween VO and SO groups.
除~3H - Pto外,VO组的~3H - TdR及 ~14C-UR掺入率与SO组相比差异无显著性.
I saved ur life yesterday, right outside the door.
昨天我救了你的命, 就在这门外.
It's not noticeable when ur playing games anyway.
My beliefs neither breaks you leg or picks ur pocket.